Halogen Leak Detector
Microprocessor Control
Features: ● Displaying quantity of the leak with single color ● Seven-level sensitivity adjustable ● Trigger key board ● Real-time sensitivity adjustable ● Battery voltage display ● Ability to all the halogen gases ● 14-inch (35.5cn) soft stainless probe Application Range: ● Halogen check for lines of freezing, refrigeration and air-conditioning ● Leak check for Serial of vehicle-use air conditioners ● Leak for other systems and storage/recovery vessel. The product takes effect to all the halogenating refrigeratingmedium with chlorine and fluorine included, which include but are not limited to: CFCs e.g. R12, R11, R500, R503 etc. HCFCs e.g. R22, R123, R124, R502 etc. HFCs e.g. R134a, R404a, R125 etc. It can also detect other mixers such as AZ-50, HP62, MP39, etc. ● Detect Ethylene Oxide gas leaks in hospital sterilizing equipment(it will detect the homogenate carrier gas). ● Detect SF-6 in high voltage circuit breakers. ● Detect most gases that include Chlorine, Fluorine and Bromine (halogen gases). ● Detect cleaning agents used in dry-cleaning equipment such as carbon tetrachloride. ● Detect perchloroethyl in fire extinguishing system.